Let me set the scene, Saturday morning, the sun is shining, birds are singing, and the coffee machine is saying, come to mumma.
In a coffee bean trance, I started to read an article on motivation. Now, we are all looking for that magic pill, in this self-help era that we all now live in, aren’t we?
The way I look at it is that you either wanna do something or ya don’t, but the new on-trend word is motivated. So I nestled in on the back lounge for some ground-breaking education and think, this oughta be good 👍, this is gonna rock my world, before I know it I will be building the next set of electric powered roller skates, that also blends protein shakes.
So, the author of the piece outlines that unmotivated people are simply not motivated at all (ummm derr, I think to myself), and then continues to say, so for more tips, go and purchase my book from all good books stores. What friggin’ tips, had I missed a page? Is this how it all ends? Will I be going to my grave without ever knowing all of the amazing tips that this clown was going on about?
Now, I am no health professional in a wellness freak show, living on lettuce leaf – BUT – I couldn’t help but think, um, if they are not motivated, they are not going to go to a bookstore and buy a book on motivation? Are they? 🙄.
Then I thought of the reverse, someone self-declared as unmotivated actually going to a bookstore and buying a book on motivation actually means that they are motivated, right? So technically, they don’t need the book because they got into a car, drove 28 km and looked for the book. Motivated!
Yeah, I know, I have way too much time on my hands; I should just stick to pulling fluff from my navel, addressing security issues, and picking ingrown toenails out with a pitchfork.
Anyway, the way I look at it, it’s the motivated ones that I believe are causing the most issues because the unmotivated ones find great achievement in just finding the same socks in paired order from the dryer after a wash; its on par with winning bingo at the Bowling Club on a Tuesday arvo, same, same.
So, suddenly, we all need to be motivated? Attend seminars and read self-help books (ironically written by others about self-help). Now let me set the story straight: I do not have any issues with self-help, self-care, self-motivation, self-awareness, self-gratif….. (Oops, let’s not go there) swinging from a chandelier, or buying a purple alpaca from Russia and flying it over, knock ya self out and go for it.
Because ironically, the article actually made me stop, relax and settle in, and of course, take up three minutes of my life that I will never get back.