Is it just me, or are people driving like maniacs of late? Like coma-like affected zombie boneheads?
The other day I was driving, singing (really poorly, might I add), doing the speed limit as you do when you’re a law-abiding citizen, when this w – anchor screams past me in the breakdown lane, on the left. Spewing rocks and debris all over my car, he ends up at the next set of traffic lights.
I am sitting at the red lights, looking proudly at him, thinking, “Dude, you just used $30 of fuel and got nowhere” Well done!
I didn’t really just think that, I was saying something more sinister but it’s totally unprintable here, so that is the watered-down version. I then, of course, proceeded to give him the universal signal of loving birds with a smile on my face. The lights turned green, and it’s like a rolling start at Bathurst 1000, and he screams off like he has lights and sirens on his car and heading to the emergency department at the local hospital. Only for me to catch up at the next set of red lights and my facial expressions continue on repeat, and so on and so forth.
So the next bonehead is the amber light runner — yep, we all know the ones who think amber lights are a ticket to put the accelerator down and drive through at 200 km an hour when, in actual fact, it is a $515 ticket and three demerit points (Yes true) I am just answering the voice in your head that just said, “Really, I didn’t know that.”
Annnnnd the next person is the Red lighter, yep the imbeciles that go straight through the red light without a care in the world, it’s like being on the set of the Dukes of Hazzard in the scene where they jump over a river and land on the other side of the bridge. Pretty similar!
I often wonder what goes through these people’s minds at the time of a red light. Do they think wow, I have got this as the other set doesn’t change for 1.2 seconds, or do they think, hey, I drive a V8, it will get through. Or are they simply, (and I am sorry, these people don’t deserve my terminology of bonehead) are they simply an imbecile. If this was a multiple choice example we would tick D – All of the above.
Then (pant pant), you have the mobile phone person at the lights, you know, the person you have to beep at, so you actually make it home before the year 2025 hits.
So here is the next burning question, and I know that this is totally off track. Did you know that each day after a shower or bath, we humans wipe ourselves dry with a towel the same way each time? Yeah, I know it’s totally off-topic, but I just had a shower, so it’s a recall memory.
Well, here’s one for you, are you a beep beep person on the car horn or a beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! My thang is the severity of the incident. Usually, an idiot on their phone at traffic lights for me is a beep, beep.. whereas my wonderful and forgiving husband is a beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! And then %%#$$$$$, with that universal hand signal again.
So, there you have it – the traffic light boneheads- we are surrounded by them, unfortunately!